I used to look at Roly-Pollies for hours when I was little. And now I have a reason to again! (To take pictures... of course :) They are so interesting! Especially when you roll them over and look at their legs. I think that they are also called "Pill Bugs" because they roll up into a ball like an armadillo, and look like a pill. And people used to take them like pills. They are a good source of protein. Yummy right?
But they are so cute I would only eat them if I was starving on a desert Island. And even so they can only live where it is really moist, so I wouldn't have to eat them. If I had to choose between a worm and a pill bug I would most defiantly eat the latter. They are actually a crustacean, and not an insect at all. Pill bugs are more related to shrimp and crawdads then your normal every day bug.
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