Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Macro Fauna

Grasshopper Nymph (He was about 1/4 of an inch)

Male Cardinal

Swallow Tail

Female Cardinal

"Ooo!!! I can speak whale! BWAAAAWOOooooo" ~Dori (Blue Tang)

Sea Anemone (say that five times fast :)

I used to call these "Yadybugs"

Water Strider

Coi in the Japanese Garden

Swallow Tail


All of these photos, and the ones below, were taken in Fort Worth, at the Botanical Gardens.


  1. Amy. Here in Tyler there is a large rose garden
    with every rose you can imagine, trust me it
    is a photographers heaven! :) They also
    have a side garden with lots of different intresting
    flowers and plants. You should come check it
    out sometime! It is AMAZING! :) Taking photos
    of God's creation is so fabulous. :)

  2. I do want to see them, I enjoy roses so much!

  3. They are my favorite flowers!!

  4. I really like the cardinals and the butterfly...oh and the dory comment. I would reply to the comment out loud if i were with you right now!

  5. These are wonderful creatures. God made them just right.

  6. I am very fond of nature myself.

    I look at nature as the glory and wonder of God.
    I could just ask an evolutionist, "Explain to me how this beautiful design was done by chance and random processes, if there be no God." or "How can the earth create itself.
    Matthew Henry quoted, "Atheism (or humanism) is folly; and Atheists are the greatest fools in nature. For they see a world that could not create itself, and yet they will not own that there is a God that made it."

  7. I couldn't agree with you more.
