Saturday, August 27, 2011

My First Anniversary Cake

Since I decorate cakes sometimes for Potlucks at our church, people there know that I'm into that kind of thing. Mrs. Lidster asked me a few weeks ago if I would make an anniversary cake to celebrate her daughter's 2nd year of marriage. I was so happy to do it! She said that she wanted red velvet cake, because that was Shane's favorite, and pink flowers, because that's what Rachel wanted. So here it is! They just came and picked it up last night :)
On a more serious note, please pray for me. Every joint in my body feels tight, and it is excruciating to move anything. My knees, my elbows, fingers, toes, ankles, neck, and shoulders. I don't know what is going on. I have never had anything like this happen before. I thought it might be an allergic reaction to something, but I haven't eaten anything odd lately. Tyler told me to check my hair for ticks, and I didn't find any. I have colapsed twice today because my knees decided they didn't want to hold me up :) Please pray that I will be able to move without pain, and that we would figure out what the problem is.
In Christ,
Amy K


  1. We will be praying for you. Please let us know if anything changes.

    God Bless
    Adam and Samantha

  2. Nicely done. I hope you do better. And thank you for finally posting something. Nobody has posted in days!!!!!!!!

  3. You wouldn't by any chance have taken a Wilton cake decorating class? My sister decorates cakes and that design looks very familiar. And very pretty! :)

  4. Yes I did! And thank you very much! (and I like Narnia too :)

  5. Yeah my sister took the course at a local Hobby Lobby a few years ago and has been making amazing creations ever since!

    Yay! Someone else who likes Narnia! ;)

  6. DAD BURN IT! You are incredible! have you ever considered using your talent to make money? just a question.

  7. Well, thank you Jared! I did sell the cake, the first cake ever actualy. :) My father is very entrepreneurial, and he passed it down to us. :)
