Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This truly says it all~

This was a Dockers Ad. Click on the image to read it better, and tell me what you think.
I think that it is wonderful that they said this in public. Although there is nothing wrong with plastic forks and salad, I do agree that men are very effeminate and it is considered "cool" to be so.

We were listening to Doug Philips's Sermon on "Identity Theft" the other day and he was talking allot about this issue.
Who do you want to Identify with? Why do you want to look like a Jonas Brother or Miley Cyrus? Is it because you want to identify with them because they are considered fashionable by the worlds standards?
Every one wants to identify with someone. And the first thing that starts with is the way you look. The second is the way you talk and act. (but I won't get into that right now.) The skinny jeans and the heavy make-up is a way of saying "Hey! Miley is cool therefore, I am cool because I look just like her."

It's funny... I'm not on the topic that I thought I was going to be on. But bear with me.

Who are you identifying yourself with? And is it the right kind of statement you are making buy the way you dress?

I want to Identify with Christ. Sometimes that is hard to do with the way you dress. But if you think of people that you see on the street, some people fit in with the flow of every one else, but sometimes there is someone who looks like a Christian because of how they choose to dress. I want to be like that. For girls I don't mean never cut your hair, wear skirts that cover your feet, and ugly tops. And for boys I don't mean you can't have hair touching the tops of your ears, and wear a plaid shirt, a belt and slacks either. Just... when you look in the mirror ask your self the question,

What is my identity?

The reason some young adults dress they way they do is because they want to express their own creativity and prove that they are an individual.

Now, the definition of individual is,

"Noun- a single human being, distinguished from a group"

And the way to do that is very obvious.

To dress like everyone else!

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