I just read an article that was written by Scot Brown, in 2004. () But it certainly still applies today! Here is a list that he made about modesty in America throughout the years.
1890’s: Swimwear was modified street clothing 1910: Arms were exposed
1920: You would be arrested if you appeared in a modest 21st century bathing suit
1920’s: Legs and backs were exposed
1930’s: Cleavage was exposed and men began to swim bare chested
1935: Two piece bathing suits appeared with a small break between upper and lower half
1940’s: New fabrics appeared which hugged the body
1960’s: Navels were exposed
Today: Anything goes... One piece suits with fabrics like skin that really leaves nothing to the imagination and bikinis of various categories prevail as normal.
(Amy) Sadly, most Christan's think that a one piece bathing suit is super modest. That low cut, form fitting, and most of the leg showing is just fashion, and fashion is neutral. Well ladies, it's not. Swim wear is just a front for public nakedness. Please do not give in.
Having two older brothers has helped me considerably to realize what men have to go through when we dress immodestly. We might think that it is a really cute top, but it causes our brothers to fall into temptation (by showing to much skin, being to tight &c). I believe that is a weakness for woman. Of course the men should practice self control, but we do not need to make it harder for them to control their thought life. This section is from a really great book that I have heard about, I think it might cement the point that I'm trying to make.
"Girls, you have an equally important role. Remember the wayward woman we discussed earlier? Your job is to keep your brothers from being led astray by her charms. Please be aware of how easily your actions and glances can stir up lust in a guy’s mind.
You may not realize this, but we guys most commonly struggle with our eyes. I think many girls are innocently unaware of the difficulty a guy has in remaining pure when looking at a girl who is dressed immodestly. Now I don’t want to dictate your wardrobe, but honestly speaking, I would be blessed if girls considered more than fashion when shopping for clothes. Yes, guys are responsible for maintaining self control, but you can help by refusing to wear clothing designed to attract attention to your body.
I know the world tells you that if you have a nice body, you should show it off. And we men have only helped feed this mentality. But I think you can play a part in reversing this trend. I know many girls who would look great in shorter skirts or tighter blouses, and they know it. But they choose to dress modestly. They take the responsibility of guarding their brother’s eyes. To these women and others like them, I’m grateful.”
“and let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:24) It’s time to start seeing other people’s purity as our responsibility."
— "I Kissed Dating Goodbye"
by Joshua Harris pg. 99
Amen Amy, Especially that our culture grows more and more towards imodesty, US CHRISTIANS NEED to be a witness in not only our faith but also in what we wear. By wearing moderate things. (that dosent mean we wear skirts to the floor and so on) :) even if it might be a little hard not flowing with the culture, it is extremely important to not make another stumble. With God we can do anything!!!:)