Friday, October 28, 2011


I have discovered that painting small takes a lot longer then painting big. One of the reasons for this being it's incredibly hard to find a brush small enough in my teacher's art studio :) Here are two paintings that I have done this past month.

 On several blogs I have seen people do giveaways and contests to make things more interesting for their readers. And since it is too hard to ship baked goods, I would like to give away the 5'' by 7" Sunflower as a prize to someone, but I can't think of a contest to do in order for one of my readers to win it. Maybe a riddle or a challenge of some sort.
Any ideas?

(I have already given away the iris painting)


  1. Umm............Ask people what your most favorite things are: Candy, soda, book, movie (hints might be needed). whoever gets the most answers close wins.

  2. My cousin might win that one, something where you don't have to know me personally.
