Monday, October 31, 2011

Step right up! Win your prize here!

Whoever can guess closest to the answer to my question, I will send you the sunflower painting shown in the post below! Yay! It would make a great gift to remind someone of summer time. And if you want, I can frame it in the color of your choice!

Okay, here's the question:
How many oil paintings I have done in my life?

(hint, I've only been oil painting for a couple years, and I don't do them that often)

I will only count your first guess, so search my blog, and answer carefully. :)


  1. ok ok! I think I have it here! =D
    you have done 6 paintings!!!!!!???????
    =D love the sunflower=)))

  2. You have done (random guess) 8 paintings.
    If I do win it, I will probably hang it up in our living room for my mom. She likes that stuff.
    @Amy: let's say the answer is 7. I guessed 8 and Aria guessed 6. Will there be a contest between the two closest?

  3. I suppose I'd have to do a tie breaker if two people's guesses were equally distanced from the true answer :)
